The best Denver Recycling Center

Family Owned and Operated Since 1961

Our Mission

As the owner-operators of Iron & Metals, we obviously have many responsibilities. But none is more important to us than making sure you’re getting the exceptional service and fair treatment that will make you a lifelong customer or business partner.

We are also committed to our employees and our community and take great pride in offering generous health insurance and profit sharing to all who work here. For three generations, we’ve actively contributed to community causes focused on environmental protection and conservation, K-12 and vocational education, meal preparation and delivery, and many other causes close to our hearts.

As our founder, mentor, father, and grandfather, Bob Cohen, often said, “You can never make a bad deal with good people.” We like to think he still watches over things around here, and we work every day to be the “good people” to whom he referred.

Our Philosophy

  • A customer is the most important person ever in this office…in person, by mail or by telephone.
  • A customer is not dependent on us…we are dependent on them.
  • A customer is not an interruption of our work…they are the purpose of it.
  • We are not doing a favor by serving a customer…they are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.
  • A customer is not someone to argue or match wits with…no one ever wins an argument with a customer.
  • A customer is a person who brings us their wants… It is our job to handle them profitably, to the customer, and to ourselves.

Contact Us

Contact Form

Our Location

5555 Franklin St, Denver, CO 80216
Easy access from the highways:
I-70, I-25, I-76, Hwy 270, Commerce City

Business Hours

Receiving Hours:
Monday and Friday, 8am - 4pm
Business Hours:
Monday and Friday, 8am - 4:30pm
Saturday and Sunday, Closed
© 2025, Iron and Metals Inc. All Rights Reserved